Quality doesn't cost....it pays! 

NON ASB perlino (Appy x Stock Horse / QH cross
Well what a mix and how good did it turn out. By Appaloosa Stallion and out of a Stock Horse cross Quarter horse mare. The temperament on this thing - she is a kids mount true and through. Nothing phases her. always comes up in the paddock. Just a wonderful filly. Aa Ee CrCr is her official DNA testing. She was having a little rest standing up the other day when I went to photograph and I took the opportunity, as once she woke up, she made a bee line straight for me! Hence the eyes closed photos.

The attached is more infomation on "Bailey".


Australian Studbook

Arabian Horse Society (AHSA)

Australian Pony Stud Book /
Riding Pony / Welsh Pony

Australian Stock Horse Society

Australian Warmblood Horse
Association (AWHA)