Quality doesn't cost....it pays!

Devali (NZ)
2001 ASB Thoroughbred mare
This imported racewinning mare is really special. She has a nature that you don\'t find everyday. She is so kind and soft that she even adopts orphan foals and happily lets them suckle with her own foal. What a fabulous gentle mare. She is truly a girl to consider if you want to breed foals that you enjoy every moment with. She is being bred to Glacial Gold (USA) for a buckskin or palomino ASB foal. She is at a great price due to her age (15 years old). This future foal should be as nice on the inside is it is on the outside!!
The attached is more infomation on Devali (NZ).

Please fill in the application form to nominate your mare this coming season.
Feel Free to call Peta on 0411 826 965 to discuss our great rates!.

Australian Studbook

Arabian Horse Society (AHSA)

Australian Pony Stud Book /
Riding Pony / Welsh Pony

Australian Stock Horse Society