Quality doesn't cost....it pays!

SOLD 2016 ASB chestnut colt
Too cool for school, this bloke! The friendliest foal on the planet. Ran up to us on day 1. His stockings don\'t know if they\'re up or their down, so we stable named him Perry (ke Katie Perry's song lyrics - I have a 9yo daughter after all!!).
His dam, Mrs Shine has a 4 x 3 inbreeding to Nashrulla's son, Neverbend. She has already produced one colt who has won $105,000 and his last three race starts were two wins and a second place. Another colt of hers has won $670,000 and is still racing.
This guy has the pedigree to go somewhere with Moonlark's sire having a 4 x 4 inbreeding to Nasrullah. And with his laid back level head we think he's got the lot.
Please enquire on this bloke as he is at a absolute bargain and only priced at half his reserve just now but only for a short time as sales entry to yearling sales is due very soon. This is a way for you to get an elite young horse at a fabulous price.
Note most pics are of him the day of birth and a few days old - he had developed into an amazing specimen. He now also has masses of white flecking which makes him really stand out.
The attached is more infomation on "Perry".

Please fill in the application form to nominate your mare this coming season.
Feel Free to call Peta on 0411 826 965 to discuss our great rates!.

Australian Studbook

Arabian Horse Society (AHSA)

Australian Pony Stud Book /
Riding Pony / Welsh Pony

Australian Stock Horse Society